Data Aggregation & Intelligence Platform

Get cleaner data and better insights, faster.

10 - Data Aggregation & Intelligence

Why choose Signant SmartSignals?

Signant’s clinical data management solutions harness leading-edge, cloud-based technologies to empower study teams and data managers with powerful tools that streamline the increasingly cumbersome process of organizing, preparing, and analyzing clinical data.  

Our source-agnostic tools provide efficient methods to aggregate any type of data from anywhere, reconcile and validate that data, and derive richer, in-trial insights.  

Explore our clinical data management solutions

data hub

Clinical Data Hub

Ingest, standardize, and aggregate any data from anywhere.

work bench

Data Review Workbench

Automate data cleaning, reconciliation, and validation.


Study Oversight & RBQM

Get a 360-degree view of all clinical data for medical reviews, patient monitoring, risk-based quality management, and custom analytics.


Want to learn more?

Transform your clinical data management with Signant—unlock efficiency, insights, and agility effortlessly.