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Webinar Recap: Decentralized Strategies & Trial Optimization


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If you missed Signant’s January 25 webinar on decentralized strategies and solutions for trial optimization, it’s not too late. You can watch the recorded webinar here.

We’ve also summarized the key takeaways and expert insights here for you.

Webinar Takeaways

Our speakers agreed that data accuracy and participant safety are paramount when considering DCT methods and shared key considerations, including:

  • Optimization over decentralization
  • eCOA as the cornerstone of successful DCTs
  • Mature technology solutions
  • Careful measure migration to maintain data integrity
  • The 4 essential S’s for trial success: solution, science, scale, and service
  • At-home medication supply and dispensation is an important element not to overlook
  • Compliance with evolving regulatory thinking

Meet our expert panelists

Dan DeBonis, Signant’s Principal of Endpoint Solutions, kicked off the session by discussing how COVID-19 accelerated the Gartner hype cycle of adoption for decentralized trials (DCT) and where the industry currently lies on that same cycle post-pandemic. He noted that certain best-in-breed, mature DCT components have already been used with proven efficiency and can be leveraged to optimize trials. But he also warned that the ‘fully decentralized trial’ model held as the shining example of the future has not yet materialized.

Signant’s Clinical VP of Internal Medicine Todd Everhart, MD, discussed why our industry should reconsider how we use DCT methods simply for the sake of decentralization. Trial optimization, rather than decentralization, should be the primary goal. He emphasized that DCT solutions should be thoughtfully applied along with clinical and science expertise to enable the right data to be collected at the right time in any setting. These solutions can also simplify participation, reduce site burdens, and enable trial operations at a global scale.

Then, Signant’s Principal of eCOA Science Dr. Bill Byrom went on to say that decentralization is not new for Signant. In fact, Signant has successfully pioneered DCT approaches, including video-enabled remote clinician ratings, ePRO, remote electronic consent, and virtual site monitoring, for over 20 years.

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